Tuesday, September 24, 2019

As a whole, the Internet of today is more open than closed Essay

As a whole, the Internet of today is more open than closed - Essay Example Unlike in the past, people have access to the internet through a variety of technologies such as broadband services, cable, and other wireless connections. In addition, advancement in technology has enhanced availability of devices such as PC and mobile phones, through which people can access the internet (Julie 387). Availability of these devices and networks has lowered the cost of accessing the internet considerably and, hence made it available to multiple users. This is incomparable to the past, when such devices were a preservation of the upper and the middle class societies. Thus, increase in technology has a direct correlation with increase in internet accessibility. The next factor that has made the internet more open than before is the nature of the current government policies and regulations. Unlike past governments, modern governments consider access to information as basic human rights. This has made most governments across the world to relax and restructure their policie s on internet access. However, the government has the overall responsibility of ensuring that people use the facility productively. The government has the mandate to control the usage of the internet. Arguably, 90% of countries around the globe have relaxed their restriction on internet access and, their citizens have the right to access web content. On the contrary, some conservative countries such as China, North Korea and Arabian countries still have restriction on internet usage among their citizens. However, this does not provide a full restriction on access to web content. The world is continuously becoming a global village. Although the element of a global village is more of a hypothetical element than a reality, leaders across the globe are more concerned with the implication of the hypothesis. It has been proved that the proposed global village will be sustained through unlimited communication among people. Thus, the internet remains the most advocated system or form of com munication. The evolution of web 2.0 technology based system that allows users to post their views and thoughts has made the internet become an essential element of communication. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace have taken a center stage role in global communication. People have become so fond of the social media, eliminating them from their lives would be impossible (Cass web). Other than the social Medias, the internet hosts other communication forums such as blogs and wikis, which allow people with similar interests to hold discussion on critical issues. The blogs have revolutionized access and development of knowledge across the globe. As the world continuously becomes integrated, the internet has become an opportunity for various aspect of life. A recent report on the usage of social media indicated that Facebook users have hit the billionth mark (Paul web). This indicates that if the social network were a country it would be the most populous country in the world of course with an exemption of China and India. The world of business considers the statistic as business opportunities and, hence the need for open internet. Modern business environment is operating under a wave of globalization, which requires business to have a global scope in terms of operations and production (Paul web). The need for market sustainability has necessitated the need for an open market forum with a global consumer base. Through advertisements, the internet has

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